Friends of Ardleigh St. Mary's School (Registered Charity no. 1181930)

Fund-raising together

The “Friends of” are a small, friendly group of staff, parents and family members who work together to arrange fund-raising events and activities to raise much needed extra funds for the children and our school. We formed in October 2007 after the previously long-standing and successful P.T.A disbanded. In the time since, we have gone from strength to strength, raising a large amount of money that has been donated to the school for much needed projects and purchases.

Our emphasis is on “fun” and we try to ensure that the events that we hold are enjoyable for all, especially the children. Throughout the year, we hope to arrange several different activities and we welcome any suggestions that you may have for new fund-raising opportunities. We appreciate the great support that we receive from parents and staff and we look forward to building on our success. Please watch the newsletter and website for details of forthcoming events. We look forward to seeing you and your children. The new committee members will try to live up to the standards and successes of the previous members and thank them for all their hard work.

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If you would like to get involved, have a suggestion or just need to get in touch then feel free to drop us an email on