Our Curriculum

The Curriculum at Ardleigh

The curriculum is everything that we intend children to learn. This has been carefully mapped out so that children experience a coherent, well-sequenced  curriculum that builds on what they have been taught, know and can do.

It has been designed to equip children with the knowledge, attitudes and dispositions they need to acquire key skills and conceptual understanding in a range of subjects

The school curriculum is split into three key stages and has been designed in a way that new learning always builds on what has already been taught. The three stages are Early Years  (Reception), Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) and Key Stage 2 ( Years 3,4,5 and 6)

Children are taught the knowledge they need to know through enquiry, discussion and carefully sequenced activities and experiences planned by the class teacher. 

The aims of the Curriculum

The curriculum has been designed to achieve the following aims. We have aspirations for every child. These are:


Personal development


 Learner development


 Knowledge, understanding and skills

Key Stage 1

Our Reception Curriculum is ambitious and designed so that children have every opportunity to be  ready for the Key Stage 1 curriculum. Key Stage 1 is the first key stage of primary school, a phase of education for 5-7-year-old children in England. 

To ensure a smooth transition from nursery, Reception through to Year 1, the classroom environment and the school curriculum is delivered through the same 5 areas of learning. These are practical life, sensorial development, language, maths and cultural studies.

Key Stage 2

When children complete Key Stage 1, they embark on the Key Stage 2 curriculum (Years 3-6).

The National Curriculum

Our school curriculum includes the programmes of study outlined in the National Curriculum and forms part of our wider school curriculum. 

The National Curriculum specifies what children will learn from Year 1 onwards in the following subjects:

- Literacy

- Mathematics 

- Science

- Art

- Design and technology 

- Computing

- Music

- History

- Geography

- Physical Education

- A Modern Foreign Language

We use an accredited Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme to teach early reading. The programme we use at this school is Twinkl.

The School Curriculum

In addition to the National Curriculum, character development is part of our curriculum. This is because we believe it is important that our children learn to be curious, confident, self-directed learners. This underpins our vision to help children to grow healthy bodies, loving hearts and inquisitive minds.

Our Personal Development curriculum includes  social, moral, spiritual and cultural education primarily through our Relationships, Sex and Health Education Programme and Religious Education. Further details on this aspect of the curriculum can be found in the Personal Development section of our website.

We also have a comprehensive Religious Education Curriculum that teaches children a range of faiths through the lenses of theology, philosophy and human social sciences . At least half of the RE curriculum id devoted to Christianity.

Our Curricular Plans

We have adapted a consistent approach to curricular planning across the school to ensure all learning is cumulative and builds on prior learning. We have included a number of links below so that you can see our curriculum and understand what children will learn as they progress through the school.

The following term by term overviews provide a summary of the content taught across the year in each subject. We are currently on Cycle B of a three year cycle.

We have also included links to show curricular progression. These are grouped into subjects that have progression through key inquiry questions and those through knowledge progression statements.

Reception Curriculum

At Ardleigh St Mary's, children learn through play, exploring and developing learning experiences that help them make sense of the world. They practise and build up their ideas, model real life, learn how to exercise self-control, and begin to understand the need for social rules, such as turn-taking. They have the opportunity to think creatively both alongside other children and on their own. Crucially, they communicate with others as they investigate and solve problems. They express concerns or worries in controlled and safe situations. By the end of the year, each child experiences a sufficient range of activities to enable them to progress towards all the Early Learning Goals.

Term by Term Overviews

Bud Class

Ardleigh Y1_2 Overview.pdf

Year 1 & 2

Blossom Class

Ardleigh Y3_4 Curriculum Overview.pdf

Year 3 & 4

Beech Class

Ardleigh Y5_6 Curriculum Overview.pdf

Year 5 & 6

Subject Progression through knowledge progression statements



Ardleigh Reading Progression Statements.pdf
Ardleigh Writing Progression Statements.pdf

Mathematics (Early Years)

Reception curriculum mapping.pdf

Mathematics (Year 1 - 6)

Maths Progression Ready to Progress.pdf

Spoken English

Modern Foreign Language

Physical Education

Ardleigh Spoken English Progression Statements.pdf
Ardleigh MFL Progression Statements .pdf
Ardleigh PE Progression Statements.pdf


All Knowledge in our curriculum has a purpose. It either contributes to conceptual understanding or a skills. Not all skills are transferable across contexts. For example, the creative skill in art requires knowledge and understanding of shape, colour, form, line and pattern whereas the creative skill in composing music requires knowledge and understanding of dynamics, timbre, melody and tempo.

Procedural knowledge is the knowledge children need in order to know how to do something or perform a skill. This knowledge needs to be carefully sequenced and applied by the child in the right order and sequence. For example, measuring an angle requires a step by step procedure.    

Conceptual knowledge is the knowledge needed to help a child understand a concept. For example, understanding why it gets dark at night, children need to know that the earth receives light from the sun; they need to know the Earth is spherical and rotates and when the side of the earth faces away from the sun, the earth plunges into darkness.  When this occurs we call this darkness night.

We can further break down knowledge into disciplinary knowledge. Substantive knowledge is content taught as established fact. Disciplinary knowledge is knowing how to gain knowledge in different subject disciplines e.g. Scientists gain knowledge through carry out tests and repeated observations whereas historians look for clues to interptet what life might have been like in the past.  


Skills are the application of key knowledge in the correct order and sequence. The knowledge children need to complete increasingly complex tasks are planned into our curricular framework at each phase as children get older and deepen their knowledge and understanding of key concepts.


In reading for example, children first learn the sound each letter shape makes. Next they learn that words are made by blending these sounds together. This is knowledge. The process of reading is applying this knowledge. As children become more fluent at decoding print, they are taught the knowledge they need for reading comprehension.


We have identified what children need to know to be an effective reader.  For example, children need to know authors use figurative language to convey meaning beyond the literal. Without this knowledge children will find it difficult to understand phrases such as 'the shopkeeper had a heart of stone'. 


Similarly, children are also taught to know an apostrophe can change the meaning of a word from plural to indicate possession e.g. girl’s as opposed to girls or that a pronoun indicates a person or object that has been previously referred to.


Likewise, children are taught to know that a word can change meaning depending on the context e.g. the cricketer hit the ball with a bat as opposed to the bat flew out of the cave. This is all essential knowledge children need to know and then apply in to perform the process or skill of reading.

Knowledge Blocks

We have developed detailed knowledge for each subject that outlines what children should know as they progress through the school. There are different form of knowledge within our curriculum. Procedural knowledge encompasses the skills and know-how necessary for children to effectively perform tasks or activities. Much like following a recipe, this knowledge requires careful sequencing and application in the correct order. Knowledge can also be categorised into substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Substantive knowledge refers to concrete, factual information presented as established truths. For instance, understanding that tornadoes predominantly occur in the Great Plains of North America is substantive knowledge. However, in isolation, this information may lack significance, prompting further inquiries such as the nature of tornadoes, their causes, and the geographical features of the Great Plains.

To truly grasp the significance of substantive knowledge, it must be contextualised within a broader framework, necessitating additional information or prior knowledge. For instance, understanding why tornadoes are prevalent in the Great Plains of North America requires a deeper understanding of meteorological phenomena and geographical patterns.

Disciplinary knowledge, on the other hand, pertains to understanding how to approach and acquire substantive knowledge within a specific discipline. For example, in history, children must grasp the methodology of utilizing and analyzing evidence to construct interpretations of the past. They must recognise the importance of historical inquiry, such as evaluating whether Henry VIII deserves the accolade of a great king.

Below you will see two examples of how we break down knowledge children are expected to learn.

Example Knowledge Block for Science

Example Knowledge Block for RE

Copy of Ardleigh Knowledge Block Example Science.pdf
Copy of Ardleigh Knowledge Block Example Science.pdf


Phonics is a method of teaching children early reading by correlating sounds with alphabetic symbols. The teaching programme we use is All Aboard. This is an accredited Systematic Synthetic Phonic teaching approach approved by the Department of Education.

Our phonics programme begins in our nursery setting where children engage in indirect learning that equips children with auditory and visual discrimination skills needed to recognise subtle differences in sounds and letter shapes.

Children learn the skill of segmentation. This means separating a whole word into corresponding units of sound called phonemes. This programme begins in the Reception and continues through to the end of Year 2. Children who have not reached the expected standard continue with the programme in Year 3 and beyond.

All Aboard Phonics Curriculum Overview


Personal and Character Development

Contributing to personal and character development is a lifelong journey, marked by a myriad of experiences that shape who we are and who we aspire to become. These experiences come in various forms, from triumphs to challenges, from moments of joy to instances of adversity. Each encounter leaves an indelible mark on our character, fostering growth, resilience, and self-awareness.

One significant aspect of personal and character development lies in embracing new opportunities and stepping out of one's comfort zone. Whether it's taking up a new hobby, pursuing further education, or venturing into unfamiliar territory, every leap into the unknown presents a chance for learning and self-discovery. You can see further details using the following link :

Personal Development 

Alternatively, our curricular map for Personal and Character Development can been downloaded using the link below:

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Relationships, Sex and Health Education is interconnected and closely related to children’s Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development (SMSC). With this in mind, our RSHE curriculum from Reception to Year 6 reflects and incorporates social, moral, spiritual and cultural development to form part of the curriculum we call personal or character development.


We feel having all these areas under one umbrella illustrates a joined up holistic approach to children’s personal development.


Personal or character development is an important part of our curriculum which also reflects our religious character and recognises the importance of the whole child.


‘So God created humankind in his image. In the image of God, He created them’.  (Genesis I:27, NRSV)


The Church of England has set out a bold Vision for Education that is deeply Christian, serving the common good. This is set out in several strands.These strands include Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy (Strand 3), Community and Living Well Together (Strand 4) and Dignity and Respect (Strand 5) and all have been built into our RSHE curriculum.


We recognise that character building and character virtues underpin positive relationships and as such, ‘character’ is not exclusively developed solely through curricular opportunities, but also through interactions with other human beings.


This means all adults who work in our school are in the privileged position of shaping our children’s thoughts, values, virtues and attitudes by their own interactions.